Real-Time License Plate Localisation on fpgaReal-Time License Plate Localisation on fpga
X. Zhai, F. Bensaali and S. Ramalingam, “License Plate Localisation based on Morphological Operations”, The 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, pp 1128-1132, Singapore, December 2010
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Blending streaming multimedia and communication technology in advanced web-based educationBlending streaming multimedia and communication technology in advanced web-based education
Key Words: Advanced Web-based education, streaming multimedia technology, Web-based communication technology, faculty and student feedback
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Decidability and undecidability results for duration calculusDecidability and undecidability results for duration calculus
Zhu2006] Huibiao Zhu, Shengchao Qin, Jifeng He, Jonathan p bowen, Integrating Probability with Time and Shared-Variable Concurrency, In Proceedings of the 30th Annual ieee/nasa software Engineering Workshop, sew-30, pp: 179-189, 2006
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Towards Simulation of Parallel File System Scheduling Algorithms with pfssimTowards Simulation of Parallel File System Scheduling Algorithms with pfssim
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, fl
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Presenccia papers for the dvd romPresenccia papers for the dvd rom
Note that partners involved in a paper are listed in order of author name. This implies nothing about the relative contributions of the partners to the papers themselves
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1. Bibliographie1. Bibliographie
R. Aldridge, K. T. Carr, R. England, J. F. Meech et T. Solomonides. 1996, “Getting a Grasp on Virtual Reality” In Proc of the International Conference on Computer Human Interfaces
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Usability and fun An overview of relevant research in the hci communityUsability and fun An overview of relevant research in the hci community
There seem to be no limit for crossover features in the entertainment business today. What is happening has been termed a Technology Convergence 
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The development of an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (A. E. H. S) presupposes a detailed user model, a complete observations model and a well defined adaptation component [13]The development of an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (A. E. H. S) presupposes a detailed user model, a complete observations model and a well defined adaptation component [13]
A. E. H. S., it is crucial for the L. R. to have the characteristics of reusability and interoperability. To achieve the reusability it is necessary that the content of L. R. have modular structure and every essential part unit be
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Acting on a visual world: the role of perception in multimodal hci frédéric Wolff, Antonella De Angeli, Laurent RomaryActing on a visual world: the role of perception in multimodal hci frédéric Wolff, Antonella De Angeli, Laurent Romary
As a conclusion, we show how these results can lead to an actual implementation of a gesture interpretation module directed by the reference analysis process
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Comprehensive review reading list for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 Systems and SoftwareComprehensive review reading list for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 Systems and Software
Anderson, S. M. Bellovin, J. Benaloh, M. Blaze, W. Diffie, J. Gilmore, M. Green, S. Landau, P. G. Neumann, R. L. Rivest, J. I. Schiller, B. Schneier, M. Specter, and D. J
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Ronald Prescott LouiRonald Prescott Loui
Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Science
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Academic Activities Dr. Herbert G. MayerAcademic Activities Dr. Herbert G. Mayer
Reviewed dozens of computer science publications; documented these reviews in acm computing Reviews from 1985 to 2004
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Tefko SaracevicTefko Saracevic
First uncorrected draft of article for Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Marcia J. Bates & Mary Niles Maack, editors, New York: Taylor & Francis
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Pip summer School 2016 Unsupervised & deep learning references Books about machine learningPip summer School 2016 Unsupervised & deep learning references Books about machine learning
Foundations of Machine Learning, Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet Talwalkar
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I. Basic Information A. Members of the Publications BoardI. Basic Information A. Members of the Publications Board
Washington University in Saint Louis (recently of University of Pennsylvania) joined the Publications Board in February 2013. Guerin is active in networking and is past EiC of ieee/acm transactions on Networking and will provide the Publications Board with
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